August Games – VR Edition

Aside from falling down a Hearthstone well, I managed a very limited amount of gaming during August. However, at the end of the month I went out to visit friends in The Netherlands, and put in some time with their PSVR setup. Thankfully I managed to complete one of the games too.

The cost of VR is still prohibitive to me, but these games have convinced me enough that I would buy a PSVR set given a significant price drop.

Games completed this month

rush-of-bloodUntil Dawn: Rush of Blood – PS4 / PSVR

I’ve always been a fan of the on-rails lightgun shooter (see this post for more) and this is quite possibly the finest example I’ve ever played. It’s also the first time I’ve found dual wielding guns to shoot independent targets to be really functional.

I’m not entirely sure how it fits with the main Until Dawn game, but the horror setting works really well. Plenty of jump scares and modern horror tropes, I’d love to spend some more time with this one. Although I did manage to complete the game on the normal difficulty, I’d like to try and tackle some of the more challenging modes.

Also played in August

K2aCRhlStar Trek Bridge Commander – PS4 / PSVR

Nerdy as hell, and obviously not going to appeal to everyone, but this is one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve ever had. I played as the engineer with 3 random strangers online, it was great fun to be in the iconic environment of a Star Trek bridge. The scope for how great this would be with 3 friends who also enjoy Star Trek is huge.

maxresdefaultPolybius – PS4 / PSVR

This is one of my own games, not sure how I missed writing about it in my blog post when I bought it on release in May. It’s an excellent new shooter from Llamasoft, and I already found it to be enjoyable just playing on my TV. On VR the experience is something else though, and a really pure gaming experience.

Thumper-11-HDThumper – PS4 / PSVR

Much like with Polybius, this is a game I already own. I wrote about it last month but got to play it for the first time in VR. This is clearly the best way to experience the game, and I found I quickly got passed the place I had been struggling with when playing on my TV.




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