The year is off to a pretty strong start with multiple game completions including two from the 2025 list to play. Can’t imagine I’ll maintain this momentum.
Games completed this month

Miles Morales: Spider-Man – PS5
I almost didn’t include this, but now I have it might end up counting as three completions. I have now finished all the story and districts, so my game save thinks I’ve 100% completed it. There are still things to do for the platinum however, so it may show up again if I do that.

Spider-Man Remastered – PS5
Once I hit 100% on Miles, I got stuck into this. As I originally played Spider-Man on the PS4, I hadn’t spent any real time with the remaster since picking it up. I got as far as importing my old game save and looking at how pretty it was. Turns out aside from finishing the main story, I had done very little side content. I got properly stuck in and managed to get the platinum trophy too.

Spider-Man The City Never Sleeps – PS5
Another bonus of the remaster above, it includes the full DLC content that I didn’t have on PS4. This was a fun story diversion so I completed it too while I was at it.

A Way Out – Xbox Series S
Another co-op completion for my fiancé and I. I had played this one before, but it really held up for a second playthrough. It’s not quite as polished as It Takes Two though. Really looking forward to their next game, but in the meantime we’ll probably be playing The Quarry* next.

Dredge: The Iron Rig – Xbox Series X
One from the 2025 list, and a really solid expansion for the main game. Had a lot of fun with the new content, this expansion added a lot more than the previous one.

Dredge & The Pale Reach – Xbox Series X
Playing The Iron Rig had me finally mopping up all the side content and catching all the fish from the previous content. Have now 100% completed all three releases. Ready for a new game please.

The Darkness II – Xbox Series X (Xbox 360)
The other one I’ve ticked off this year’s “to-play” list, I finally finished this. A pretty short game, it is good fun to play but the sequel isn’t as good as the first and I think it suffers some from the change of art style to cel-shaded. Fun, but I think if it had been much more than 6 hours long I’d have given up again.
Games played during January

Sea of Survivors – SteamDeck
As an Early Access game, this has had some more content added since I last played it. I’ll probably keep dipping in and out at least until it gets a full release.

The Ascent – PC / SteamDeck
A game I purchased this month (for less than £1), but in line with my resolution for the year, it was so I could immediately play it. My friend has been raving about it for a while so I was keen to give it a proper go too. I was also convinced I’d tried it when it was on GamePass but now I’ve been playing I suspect I never got further than installing it. I’m enjoying The Ascent, but it’s very buggy and has hard crashed my PC a few times. It seems a bit more stable on the SteamDeck but doesn’t run as well. I suspect this will stop me from getting to the end, but I’m enjoying it for now.
Games retired in January

Returnal – PS5
As much as I love this, I haven’t played since I got into Spider-Man 2, which feels like too long to carry on. I might go back to it at some point, I expect it’ll feel like starting over when I do – for now it’s back on the shelf.

Full Throttle Remastered – Xbox Series X
I was playing this as my game to tick over the ‘daily achievement’ xbox reward that pays for my GamePass Ultimate subscription. They’ve changed how the system works now though, and unlike other games I’ve played for this, I wasn’t enjoying Full Throttle enough to keep it going. It’s certainly no Day of the Tentacle.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones (if I’ve actually included any), which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.