… it’s been three months since my last blog post.
Who knew it was actually the difficult sixth post that was so challenging?
As it happens I have 4 or 5 different posts half-written now, not quite happy with any of them and keep drifting onto something else. Amusingly one of them is about my gaming backlog, and my tendency to only play a bit of a game and then move on. Always intending to return but rarely ever doing it. Perhaps I have a wider problem than just with gaming…
There have been some legitimate distractions however, along with busy times at work and the ongoing studying referred to in a previous post, I have even found time to play some games!
I do find it difficult (read impossible) to focus on writing for fun when there are college and workplace deadlines demanding my attention. Today though I have finished my most recent assignment whilst sitting on the beach, and as I’m here I feel like writing more.
It’s amazing the difference the right setting makes to inspiration. I should probably do all my writing for college sat on the beach. Figures I’ll realise that 9 months into a 10 month course… If I’ve learned anything from my brief blogging experience, it’s that I’m much more able to string words together with a pen and paper, than I am when staring at a word processor.

Anyway, an experiment. While I have the weather for it, I shall endeavour to finish off my ‘in progress’ posts over the next few weeks, alongside drafting my final college assignment of the year, from my spot on the beach. The only issue is finding an alternative venue with a similar inspirational level, for when it’s raining!