Consistent with predictions from last month, October was really busy, and I’m just as late updating this. Even less to talk about too. Nothing completed, just a few games played and some pick-ups from a couple of autumn sales.
Games played during October

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Nintendo Switch
Still making progress with this although I didn’t find much time to play in October. Still enjoying it and hoping to crack on and finish it before Christmas though.
I’m playing the Switch version, but you can get that, or Xbox and PlayStation versions here from Amazon*. It seems much cheaper on the other consoles, but it is much less digitally too.

Halo 4 (Master Chief Collection) – Xbox Series X
We had another good co-op session on this, think we’re only one or two sessions left before the ending. Might be time for some Gears next.

Marvel Snap – Mobile & PC
This has surprisingly taken over my life, it’s very rare I go near any mobile games. Heard a few good things about it on a podcast so thought I’d give it a go when the final release happened in October. It’s very well done, and too addictive. For now I’m still playing everyday so we’ll see how long that lasts.

Hearthstone – Mobile & PC
Getting into Marvel Snap helped make me want to revisit Hearthstone too. My friend had been talking about it as well, so I held my nose over the current state of Blizzard and started to jump back in. Haven’t played a lot but it is helping scratch the card game itch.
What’s been on the arcade?

The Ten Pence Arcade game in October was 1943. I played a bit and was enjoying it but the scoring in the leaderboard was everywhere and some confusion about what difficulty people were playing put me off. On to the next one.
October Pick-ups

Alien vs Predator – Xbox 360
I saw an article online about how this was one of the best selling games that week. It was in the sale for a couple of quid and the commentary was about how well it runs on the Xbox Series X and what a decent game it was anyway. Think it passed me by on the 360 so I grabbed it. Haven’t played it yet, but after watching this video of it, I do intend to at least try it.

Panzer Dragoon Remake – Xbox Series X
Yes I did buy this already on Switch, but again it was like £1, and I couldn’t resist seeing it upscaled to 4k and with auto HDR. It does look great on the Series X, although it doesn’t seem to have any extra polish for the Series S/X consoles, think it’s the same version that would be on the Xbox One. It still plays great though so I’m happy with it.

Dicey Dungeons – Switch
More double dipping here. I already have and played this on Steam, but silly cheap prices meant I grabbed it again. It’s a perfect Switch game though, and something I can see myself getting into when travelling.

Fhtagn! – PC
Last pick up this month, and another one from the sales, is Fhtagn! I don’t know a lot about this, but it seems to be a sort of social / party game. Looks to be a co-operative experience, perhaps with some secret cultist/traitor vibes. Hoping to get it on the TV using the SteamLink and play with a couple of friends.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.