Tag Archives: quake

November Games

November Games

Almost forgot about this altogether. Mostly because I didn’t play much during November. Ticked off a couple of completions that sort of count though.

Games completed this month

Quake 2021 - September Games

Quake: Scourge of Armagon – Xbox Series X

First of the expansion packs finished, that was good fun. I think I might have done the first part before but the rest of it felt new.

Mario Kart 8 Booster

Mario Kart 8 Booster Course Pass – Nintendo Switch

Well the last pack from the course pass came out, so as usual I played through and won the new cups. Having now finished all the additional cups, the game rolled credits, so I’m counting that a win. I noticed on “How Long to Beat?” that other people had recorded each pack separately but that seems a bit much.

Games played during November

Octopath Traveler II - November Games

Octopath Traveler 2 – PlayStation 5

Made a lot of progress on this, into the finale and mopping up side content. Although December looks very busy so I might not get it done this side of Christmas. We’ll see.

PC VR Headset

Some random PC VR stuff

After installing the new CPU for my computer I bought last month, I have been playing around with my VR headset again. Haven’t spent a lot of time with any particular games, I’ve mostly just been enjoying trying things. At some point I do need to play Half Life Alyx though since I picked that up a while back.


What’s been on the arcade?

The Neo Geo kick continued, I’ve played more Soccer Brawl and a bit of Ghost Pilots. I’ve started spending more time thinking about the upcoming upgrade to my Raspberry Pi5 in there though now, and wondering if there is anything else I want to change with it.

November pick ups

Raspberry Pi5 8GB

Raspberry Pi5

This arrived by the end of the month, I still need to order a power supply and cooler but in the new year I should get those, then get this setup and installed into my MAME cabinet too.

Star Trek TNG - Pinball FX

More Pinball FX Tables – PC & PS5

Much like Addams Family last month, I grabbed Star Trek: The Next Generation (on both PC and PS5 in the sale) along with the PC versions of Snoopy & Twilight Zone tables and a couple of collections that I already had on FX3 that were cheap to add to FX.

Renfield - November Games

Renfield – PC

This just looked like a fun twin-stick shooter based on the Nicolas Cage film. I really enjoyed the movie so figured I’d give it a go.

*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.

October Games

October Games

Finished another game, played a few others, and spent too much money on new hardware. Later than ever with my blog. Solid all round.

Games completed this month

Quake 2021 - September Games

Quake – Xbox Series X

As intended last month, I did go back and finish the original quake. I have completed it before but not for a long time, so it was good to revisit. I’m definitely going to play some of the included expansion packs, for this and Quake II.

Games played during October

Tempest 4000 - September Games

Tempest 4000 – Xbox Series X

Played more Tempest 4000 in October too, haven’t quite got my old TxK skills back, but I’m enjoying myself at least.

The Xbox version is generally much cheaper digitally, but this physical copy* is regularly cheap for PS4 and plays perfectly on PS5 too.

Akka Arrh - October Games

Akka Arrh – PS5

Finding myself going between this and Tempest and enjoying peak Jeff Minter. I’m not really getting better at Akka Arrh but I do know what I’m doing now.

Humanity - PS5

Humanity – PlayStation 5

Made more progress with this, ended up playing it instead of Octopath Traveler 2 in October, which halted my progress on that some. I need to get back to Octopath so Humanity progress will likely drop off, but we’ll see.

Forza Motorsport - Xbox Series X

Forza Motorsport – Xbox Series X

Very glad this is a GamePass game. While the racing is still great fun, the game itself is dull. I can see myself still dropping in to do some races but have no desire to play through the career / campaign mode that I would usually do. I probably just need to accept that I don’t care about motorsports, and stick to the Forza Horizon games.

Gotham Knights - Xbox Series X

Gotham Knights – Xbox Series X

Another one I was glad was on GamePass, but this is just bad. I played for a couple of hours, and the general critical consensus seemed accurate. Bring on Spider-Man 2.

Everybody's Golf

Everybody’s Golf – PS5

Had a mate over for a few days in October while we were attending the NFL games in London. Naturally Everybody’s Golf had to go on and was as much fun as ever. I think I’m ready for a new one though Sony if you could get on with that.

Vampire Survivors - Xbox GamePass

Vampire Survivors

Once again another content patch appeared for Vampire Survivors, and I had to go back and collect the new achievements. The upcoming Adventures content means I’ll be likely back again soon too.


What’s been on the arcade?

The arcade machine has been on a bit of a Neo Geo kick lately, I’ve been playing Neo Turf Masters, Soccer Brawl and Last Resort. Admittedly Soccer Brawl is mostly a nostalgia game for me, as it was a favourite in the arcades when I was little. The others are classics though.

October pick ups

Ryzen 7 5700X - CPU

Ryzen 7 5700X CPU

This was a compromise when I started to get the itch to do a full upgrade of my PC. After spending a couple of days looking at options and pricing up various builds, I realised there wasn’t a decent reason to spend the money it required, since I barely play games on my current PC anyway. After a bit of research I discovered that a simple BIOS update on my existing machine would add support for newer AMD processors. This became a straight forward swap from my old Ryzen 5 2600, and has given my machine a nice boost. Also it’s not at all confusing that my graphics card as an AMD RX 5700 XT too.

This is the processor* I bought from Amazon, I realised they no longer come with coolers as standard, so I also bought this ARCTIC Freezer* while I was at it.

Addams Family - Pinball FX

Pinball FX Addams Family Pinball Table – PC

I’m still a bit disappointed by the new Pinball FX platform managing to be worse than Pinball FX3. However I will still be picking up the exclusive tables I want when they’re on sale.

Games retired in October

Two Point Hospital - October Games

Two Point Hospital

Had a lot of fun with this, but getting towards the end and it had become very much a grind that I wasn’t enjoying, so that’s enough.

Pre-orders this month

Raspberry Pi5 8GB

Raspberry Pi5

I cracked when these went up for pre-order, but unfortunately wasn’t quick enough to get in the first wave of shipments. Mine should arrive by December at least. I’m not in too much of a hurry as I expect it’ll take a while for the full RetroPie build to turn up for it, and the plan is to just swap it into my MAME cabinet to increase the games I can play on there anyway. I still need to also order a power supply and cooler too.

*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.

September Games

Managed to finish something. Hurrah. Relatively light month for games otherwise though – been busy!

Games completed this month

Quake II - August Games

Quake II – Xbox Series X

As I’d hoped for last month, I did manage to go on and clear the campaign for Quake 2. Decided it would be fun to clear the campaigns and all expansions included in the Quake 1 & 2 remasters next, so we’ll see how I get on with that. Back to Quake!

Games played during September

Octopath Traveler II - 2023 in Games

Octopath Traveler 2 – PlayStation 5

Don’t think it quite qualifies as a completion, but I did finish the story of my main character this month. Only seven to go, plus the post-game (So probably another 70 hours…)

It’s on Switch and PS4 as well, which may suit. I was glad to get another reason to play some PS5 though, and picked up this physical edition*.

Humanity - PS5

Humanity – PlayStation 5

As mentioned last month, I did pick this up at the start of September, and have put a bit of time into it so I think it qualifies as a game played rather than going into “pickups”. I’m on the third set of levels, took me a little time to get back to the point I’d reached playing with my friend previously. Still very much enjoying it.

Quake 2021 - September Games

Quake – Xbox Series X

As mentioned above, once I finished Quake 2 I decided to go back to this, the main campaign is like an old friend. Not sure how much of the mission packs I’ve seen before though so that’ll be fun when I get to them.

Tempest 4000 - September Games

Tempest 4000 – Xbox Series X

Speaking of old friends, I spent a few hours with Tempest 4000. I think I own it on Xbox, PS4/5 and PC now and haven’t really spent much time with it compared to the many hours I spent with TxK on the Vita. It’s still a joy to play although something doesn’t feel quite as nice as the original TxK, I’m happy that I can play this version of my favourite game on multiple devices.

The Xbox version is generally much cheaper digitally, but this physical copy* is regular cheap for PS4 and plays perfectly on PS5 too.

*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.

handheld game console

July Gaming

Another small indie completion this month, along with a bigger title I’ve been playing for a while.

Games completed during July

The Static Speaks My Name – PC

Another free indie game, I think I originally heard good things about this on a podcast. It almost has something mildly interesting to say about loneliness, mental health & death, but nothing too profound. Narrowly avoids disappearing up its own behind, but only if you don’t read the comments on Steam.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – PS4

Not quite as great an experience as The New Order, but still a really good game. Very much enjoyed the story and shooting Nazis is always fun. It’s pretty tough though, a few frustrating parts almost spoil the experience in places. I’ve only finished the main campaign so far, time will tell if I put any more time into it.

Also played this month

Quake Champions – PC

Still in early access, I won a code for this from Twitter or somewhere. It has some frustrating trappings of the Free 2 Play model, but aside from the Champions which you can buy with a one off purchase, it’s pretty much just cosmetics in the loot system. It is great fun to play already though, and still fairly sparse in modes. I’ve been playing quite a bit, but struggling to climb the scoreboards on the solo instagib queue. Yet to decide if I just need practice to regain my Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament era skills, or if I’m just old and the required reaction times are far behind me.

July Pickups

PC Upgrade!

This bundle from overlockers.co.uk had been tempting me for a little while, when I realised I’d had my current CPU/Mainboard/RAM combo since 2012 I decided it was time for an upgrade. CPU is an AMD Ryzen 2600 and I plumped a little extra to double the RAM up to 16GB. It came with a free 250GB SSD, so that’s now in place as my new system drive.

I’m delighted with it, nice boost to performance and I think my old CPU was holding back the GTX 970 graphics card I got last year.

Elder Scrolls Online – PC

A few friends and I decided to give this a go now you don’t need a subscription. We’ve only played a couple of hours so far but it seems pretty nice. Might help me hold off trying out the new World of Warcraft expansion for a bit longer too.

Sonic Mania Plus – Xbox One

A surprise gift from my sister, seems she pre-ordered it back in May for my birthday and never told me, so it just turned up unannounced on release day. Was a perfect surprise as all the people talking about it on Twitter were tempting me into buying it myself. I’ve had a little go so far, it is as good as they say.

EZ-Flash Omega – Game Boy Advance

I’ve been in the market for a good flash card solution for the Game Boy Advance for a while. The EverDrive looked tempting but very pricey, and has an annoying oversize shell that wouldn’t fit flush in either my Game Boy Micro or Nintendo DS. A friend tipped me off to this though, and it’s perfect. Performance is close to the EverDrive, has interchangable shells so it’ll fit flush in either machine (I’ve gone with the DS one, and I think I’ll sell the Game Boy Micro on) and it cost less than a third of the price of the EverDrive.

Fable Anniversary – Xbox One (Xbox BC)

Finally picked this up in the Xbox Summer Sale. Never played the original Fable, but loved 2 & 3 back on the Xbox 360. Looking forward to finally checking out this version.


Custom Back-lit Nintendo Game Boy

I went up to NERG in July, and as well as generally having a great time with friends, I also picked up this beauty from the traders. It didn’t have the light fitted but I fell in love with the colour scheme and it was super cheap (they even threw in a copy of Tetris). Joe Bleeps was kind enough to fit the back light for me for a very reasonable fee.

The finished article is gorgeous, and now I’m going to pick up a few of the games I enjoyed as a nipper.