I didn’t finish any games in November, I thought we were doing surprisingly well this year. Depending how December goes though, we might get a couple more in before the end of the year.
Games played during November
Axiom Verge 2 – PS5
I did get back to this for a bit, but then got distracted by something else. Hopefully not the end for Axiom Verge 2 because it’s definitely good. Just might be a bit before I get to it again.
Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania DLC – Xbox Series X
I have played a lot of this, but still around 30 unlocks to go. Having a great time and will definitely stick with it.
Day of the Tentacle Remastered – Xbox Series X
My current GamePass daily rewards game. Still going.
Gears 5 – Xbox Series X
Went back to this in co-op, but mixed up which Gears game I was playing with which friend. Had an entertaining moment of resuming in the middle of Act 3 with someone who had clearly never played the Gears 5 campaign at all before.
Colin McRae 2.0 – SteamDeck (PS1)
Following my move to BlueSky and discovering a lot of friends I used to talk to on the platform previously known as Twitter, I got into a bit of chat with a mate about how we’d never really played this game properly. So now we are. It’s very nice to play on the SteamDeck, and I’ve been really enjoying it. Not sure if I’ll manage to finish the world rally though, I’m struggling in Australia.
What’s been on the arcade?
Just Ten Pence Arcade to thank for the games I’ve been on again, more Demon Front and the new choice, Spelunker. Not sure this ones for me to be honest.
Games purchased this month
Spider-Man 2 – PS5
Finally got round to grabbing this, picked up a physical copy from CeX with a bunch of store credit I’ve had for a while. Only played the first hour but this is what’s derailed Axiom Verge 2 again.
UFO 50 – PC
Had my eye on this when it came out, but missed the initial discount. It was in the Steam Sale though so I’ve got it now. Yet to load it up, but I’ve installed it on the deck where it seems like a perfect fit.
Games retired during November
Alan Wake 2: The Lake House – PS5
I played a bit more of this but still wasn’t really enjoying it. Then my friend whose game library I share bought herself a PS5 Pro and now owns two consoles, so we had to stop sharing, and it was her copy of Alan Wake 2 I played. Definitely don’t care enough about this DLC to buy the whole thing myself.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones (if I’ve actually included any), which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
A few completions again this month, including one that wasn’t at all on my radar but got its hooks in me when it arrived on GamePass. Also just realised I’m not about much this week, so if I didn’t get this out today it’ll be heading into the middle of the month before I publish.
Games completed this month
Cocoon – Xbox Series X
Yes after completion my sentiments remain the same, it was good, and some of the puzzling was really fun. However, it doesn’t come close to Limbo or Inside for me.
Vampire Survivors – Xbox Series X
You know the drill, a big content patch arrives with loads of new unlocks – including achievements for playing through the main Adventures. I complete them all, and count it as completing the game again. Excellent.
Inscryption – Xbox Series X
This was the surprise drop on GamePass that I got into. Wasn’t planning on playing Inscryption, but when I saw it pop up in the newly added list I remembered hearing about it on the DLC podcast and they had been very positive. Thought it was worth a look. Proceeded to do not much else until I rolled credits. Great fun as a roguelite deck-building game, with some very cool meta things going on too. Creepy and well worth playing.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons – Xbox Series X
I did try this a while back when it was free on PS+ for the PlayStation 3. Didn’t really grab me then, but I thought I’d give it another shot as my next daily achievement gameplay for the Xbox Rewards. I did get to the end, but definitely don’t hold it in as high regard as others seem to.
Games played during October
Axiom Verge 2 – PS5
Well, I just about started this, and then the game below appeared and I immediately dropped it for that. Hoping to come back to it though, I liked the hour I played.
Alan Wake 2: The Lake House – PS5
Alan Lake. Well as above, new Alan Wake DLC appeared so I dropped Axiom Verge and then started this instead. However, once the Vampire Survivors DLC turned up in the purchases below, I realised I’ll probably not play much of anything else till that’s done. This DLC seems good but hasn’t got it’s hooks in as quickly as the last one did. Feels a bit like Control so far, I need to push on I think.
Day of the Tentacle Remastered – Xbox Series X
Next up for the daily achievement hunt on Xbox, this classic point and click. I never properly played it first time round so should be fun. It does do the cool “switch between old and new graphics with one button” thing which is always satisfying.
What’s been on the arcade?
Another month not playing a great deal on the arcade cab, but I have spent a little time with the latest Ten Pence Arcade game, Demon Front.
Games purchased this month
Well I didn’t really purchase it as the publisher sent me a steam key. Looks interesting though so hopefully be one I get round to playing and talking about.
Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania DLC – Xbox Series X
The most obvious DLC, but also what I would have considered the least likely when the game first came out. Vampire Survivors used a whole bunch of Castlevania assets to create the original game, but now we’ve come full circle with the biggest DLC pack yet, adding mountains of licenced Castlevania content. I’ve had a very quick go, but it only came out on Halloween so I’m yet to get properly stuck in.
Games retired during October
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Xbox Series X
Well I gave it a good crack, but I did not enjoy the weird skirmishes and they put me right off. Found I didn’t feel like loading the game back up after they appeared. A shame because I loved the first game, and was enjoying this up to that point.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones (if I’ve actually included any), which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
After a January that went on forever, February went by as a blink of the eye. Managed to complete something though, and play some others.
Games completed this month
A Little to the Left – Xbox Series X
This popped up on GamePass, and is broadly a ‘tidy up’ sim. It’s not quite as satisfying as “Unpacking” but it’s in a similar style. Was a mostly relaxing couple of hours anyway.
Games played during February
Alan Wake 2 – PS5
Made a decent chunk of progress on Alan Wake II. I find I prefer playing as the FBI Agent rather than Alan, so I charged on and did all the Alan content until it forced me back to Saga, so I could chill out a bit and solve crimes.
Brotato – Xbox Series X
Although I was playing this on Steam Deck last month, I restarted on Xbox as it came to GamePass. It’s not my favourite of these clones but it is fun.
Renfield – Steam Deck
Still my most played game on the deck, although I daresay I’m burning out a bit on these. Probably just needs a new vampire survivors expansion to bring me properly back though.
Arcade Paradise – PC
This is weird. I’ve played a fair amount but I’m not sure if I’m enjoying it. I like the bit where I’m arranging arcade machines, but it seems to be more doing laundry. It’s on GamePass though so I might carry on.
Wipeout Omega Collection
When Everybody’s Golf didn’t work (see below) we jumped back to Wipeout for our pre-Super Bowl game. It was great fun, and surprisingly there were other people online so we managed a few decent races. Another incredible IP that Sony seem happy to let die. Oh well, I’m sure there will be another single-player, third-person action game along any minute.
What’s been on the arcade?
We’re still playing Super Fantasy Zone, we’ve been close to that 1cc a couple of times but not quite managed it yet.
February pick ups
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus – PC Epic Store
I played the original Doki Doki Literature Club ages ago, I did fancy playing this ‘Plus’ addition with extra content, but didn’t want to pay £15 for it. Fortunately it was free on Epic Games during February though, so I should get round to it now. Works on the Steam Deck too. If you do fancy checking it out, just be forewarned it’s not what it appears, has some horror themes and deals with potentially disturbing topics. (I’d urge you to check out trigger warnings first if you think you might be sensitive to this stuff)
Geometry Survivor – PC / Steam Deck
Another month, another Vampire Survivors clone. This one mashes it up with one of my favourite games though, Geometry Wars. An obvious day one purchase. Looks pretty good but a bit light on content. Hopefully they’ll build it up a bit.
Games retired this month
The Knight Witch – Xbox Series X
After my third time losing a decent amount of progress due to some dodgy collision detection, I decided I’ve had enough of this one. There is a really good game in here somewhere, but I’m done.
Everybody’s Golf – PS4
My mate and I went to have our usual round on here before the Super Bowl and discovered the servers had been turned off at some point since we last played. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. We’ll have another game whenever you’re ready please Sony.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
Progress! A decent winter break (including 3 weeks of garden leave while I changed jobs) gave me time to get on with some games.
Games completed this month
Octopath Traveler 2 – PS5
Yes! Finally completed this epic after 111 hours. I haven’t quite got the platinum trophy though. One optional boss fight for 100% completion. It’s a bit much though so I’m parking it for now to play some other stuff.
Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC – Xbox Series X
As long as they keep releasing DLC for Vampire Survivors, I’ll keep clearing them. This was a log of fun, even if all the Among Us references were entirely wasted on me.
Games played during January
Fortnite – PC
Didn’t really play much, but after watching my niece play over Christmas I was at least interested enough to install it. Thought I might play more but I haven’t been back.
Alan Wake 2 – PS5
I’m playing my friend’s copy of this. Really enjoying it and want to continue. It’s a bit scary though and my progress is really slow. Keep hiding in safe rooms instead of actually moving forward.
Humanity – PSVR2
Spent a bit of time playing with my friend’s PSVR2 setup. First thing I tried was my own game, Humanity. I’d heard a lot about how transformative VR is supposed to be for this, but to be honest I was a bit disappointed. It’s still an incredible game, just better played on the TV.
Beat Saber – PSVR2
At least my first time playing one of the stand out VR titles of recent years didn’t disappoint. I like the PSVR2 hardware but not convinced it’s essential. If I do go for a new headset I think it’ll be the Quest 3 standalone one for the wireless streaming from my PC.
The Knight Witch – Xbox Series X
Made some progress on The Knight Witch, I am enjoying it though some of the collision detection seems a bit harsh. A few times where I’ve died and not been convinced bullets actually hit me. Does deliver on the promise though, it’s a bullet-hell, twin-stick shmup, metroidvania. If those terms mean anything to you, you’ll know exactly what to expect. If not, maybe just go look at some gameplay footage.
Renfield – Steam Deck
Spoiler for the pick ups section, but playing this game last month kinda pushed me over the edge into buying a Steam Deck. The whole genre of Vampire Survivor clones is perfect for the Deck, and I’ve really embraced it.
20 Minutes Until Dawn – Steam Deck
Another Vampire Survivors clone that I picked up last year and played a bit of. Enjoying it much more now I have the deck.
Half Life – Steam Deck
Valve released a free update for the original Half Life to improve how it runs on modern machines, and to optimise it for the Steam Deck. Perfect time to replay it and revisit the glory days of 90s fps games as I’ve recently been back to Quake 1 and 2 as well.
What’s been on the arcade?
Towards the end of the month I got it into my head that I’m going to 1cc Super Fantasy Zone on my cabinet. Since it’s a mega drive game it would make more sense to do that on the actual console but here we are. Annoyingly if I was playing on console I’d have proper hardware rapid fire which makes some of the bosses a breeze. As it is we’re sticking with the game’s own auto-fire setting.
January pick ups
Steam Deck
As mentioned above, this was the main gaming purchase for Jan. Thankfully a friend sold me his second-hand for a good price. It’s the mid-range of the original model, very happy with it so far.
God of Weapons – Steam Deck
Another Vampire Survivors Clone that I’d heard good things about and wanted for the deck.
Brotato – Steam Deck
See above.
Moons of Madness – PC / Steam Deck
Had my eye on this for a while, and managed to get a Steam key for a couple of quid. Not sure yet if I’ll play it on the Steam Deck or the PC.
Aggelos – Xbox Series X
Friend recommended this Wonder Boy type game as it was on sale for ridiculously cheap. Looks nice so will hopefully get to it.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
Quite a few games to mention this month, but the only completion is another loop of Dead Cells. Also managed to get away for a bit of winter sun at the end of the month.
Games completed this month
Dead Cells – Xbox Series X
Surprised myself by managing to do the second completion which I think is categorised as ‘hard’, managed that on my 41st run and 38 hours played for those keeping count. I’ve made it to the last boss a couple of times on the third loop (or ‘very hard’), but really struggling. Tend to lose most of my health and all my flasks in the level prior. DLC is out in March though so I’ll be onto that soon.
I’m playing on Xbox because it’s on GamePass, although if it hadn’t been I probably would have gone for the Switch edition* as it’s the perfect type of game to take when you’re travelling.
Games played during February
Task Force Kampas
Just as ridiculous as it looked, but I did have some fun with this. The game is quite tricky but an addictive little shmup.
Harvestella – Nintendo Switch
I have played more of this, but getting a bit worried about my progress. The day/night cycle is starting to annoy me. I really don’t like having to come out of a dungeon to go back home to sleep, and then run all the way back the next day. Pulls me a bit out of the mood. We’ll see, but I’ve already got my eye on the next JRPG.
I think it’s also availble on PC, but I’m playing the Switch version. It is still pretty new, so I bought it physical, so I can sell it on when I’m done. I picked it up reduced in GAME, but is also available on Amazon*.
Gears 5 – Xbox Series X
We managed another session on this, although much of it was spent on one frustrating boss. I’m glad we beat it though, was starting to think the game might be over before it really began! Hopefully we won’t have too many such pockets of resistance going forward.
Dragon Ball FighterZ – Xbox Series X
Had a bit of fighting game time this month, I’m mostly just passing the time waiting for Street Fighter 6, but this Dragon Ball one was on GamePass and is fun to play, even though I don’t know anything about the IP. I’d like to play it more but I think it’s now left GamePass, so may be waiting for a sale…
Injustice 2 – PS5
Since I was getting the fight sticks out anyway, it’s always good to give this one a go. I think the next game from the developer is going to be Mortal Kombat 12, which I’ll no doubt check out, but I really hope we get an Injustice 3 as well.
Hot Wheels Unleashed – Xbox Series X
I was going to check this out on PS5 as the base game was free with PS Plus recently. However I hadn’t got round to it, and in February the full “GOTY” edition with all the DLC packs came to GamePass. I’d heard good things about the game, and it is fun. I’m glad I didn’t pay for it though, can’t see me spending much more time with it. The licenced vehicles are fun though, love the batman ones.
Vampire Survivors – Xbox Series X
There was another patch for Vampire Survivors in February that added 3 new achievements and some extra content, so naturally I went back and cleared those too. Still a great game, hope we get another full DLC pack.
Neo Pocket Color Collection Vol 1 – Match of the Millennium
The first of two games I played on Switch that are ports from other handheld systems. This one though I played at home with the Switch docked on the TV, using the new controller described further down. Match of the Millennium is such a good game, the Neogeo Pocket library is easily my favourite for ‘portable’ fighting games. It’s great to be able to play these without the expense of that actual system. I’ve seen there is now a Volume 2 of these games, I think if I grab that I’ll pretty much have all the NGPC games I could want (apart from Sonic, but perhaps that is asking too much).
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon – Nintendo Switch
While I was on holiday I took my Switch thinking I’d play some Harvestella. I found I didn’t really like playing that kind of game in handheld mode though, so looked through my library for something else to play. What better than a port of a Gameboy Advance game if you’re going to be restricted to handheld? Quite happily played this first Gameboy Advance Castlevania a fair bit, and got about half way through. The test will be if I finish it now I’m at home.
What’s been on the arcade?
Ten pence arcade played the excellent Rainbow Islands during February, so I did join in with a few credits. I struggled to really do well though, seems I left my ability to play that game in the 90s. I also dabbled a bit with The New Zealand Story because some friends were playing it. A good month for cute platform games at least.
Pick ups during February
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Xbox Series X
I think mostly because of all my time spent with Dead Cells, I really felt like replaying this one. As much as I enjoy Dead Cells, I do miss the traditional exploration of a metroidvania. In the mood as I am for ever more Castlevania, I felt like spending a bit more time with this. I originally played it through on the Switch, so at least I’ve changed platform.
This was on sale digitally, but was available even cheaper for a used copy on eBay. If you’d prefer physical anyway, Amazon* do have it.
House of Ashes – PlayStation 5
After we finished Little Hope recently, it was timely for this next game in the Dark Pictures Anthology to go on sale cheap. Hopefully the last game will do the same when we’re ready for that one too.
Strange Horticulture – Nintendo Switch
One of my friends was playing this, and initially recommended it for my girlfriend. She really enjoyed it, now I’ve decided I want a go too. Don’t really know much about it, but who doesn’t want to run an occult flower shop?
Arcade Stick – Nintendo Switch
I’ve actually been looking at new sticks for the Xbox Series X, it is good that I can use my Cronus Zen to let me use my old Hori EX2 Xbox 360 stick on the Series X (which is what I was using for Dragon Ball FighterZ above) but unfortunately it doesn’t like my Venom PS4/5 stick which I’d much rather use as it’s awesome. Anyway, the stick I fancy for my Xbox* is nearly £200, so I’ve parked that for now, but in browsing I spotted this PowerA stick* for the Switch and I couldn’t resist. I wasn’t expecting much from the Bluetooth mode, but it was absolutely fine for me. Once it arrived I spent a bit of time with Match of the Millennium, as described above. The stick can easily be modded with higher end components and artwork too, but not sure I’ll bother unless I find myself playing a lot more Switch games with it.
At time of writing, this is still less than £40 on Amazon* really good value in my opinion.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
Off to a respectable start, four completions already, progress on one of the games from my 2023 list, and several new games picked up.
Games completed this month
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Nintendo Switch
Finished the main story of this at the start of the month. I did enjoy it overall, but I don’t feel compelled to go and do the extra content for 100%. The lack of proper tracking for side quests etc feels like too much of a chore. Might be a little while before I fancy trying any of the other older “Tales” games, although I am interested if they do a new one after Tales of Arise.
I played the Switch version, but you can get that, or Xbox and PlayStation versions here from Amazon*. It seems much cheaper on the other consoles, but it is much less digitally too.
Halo 4 – Xbox Series X
My friend and I managed to roll credits playing online co-op on Halo 4 on the Master Chief Collection. Very much enjoyed that, Halo 5 next, although we’ll take a break to play something else first. So far I think peak Halo for me was the run of Halo 3, ODST and Reach.
WarioWare: Get it together! – Nintendo Switch
Played through the full story mode of this over two sessions at a friend’s house. Mostly so that we could unlock all the content on her copy for potential 4-player sessions. Not sure if they’ll happen but the 2-player story was entertaining at least.
Dead Cells – Xbox Series X
Pleased to say that after my brief plays in December this did get it’s hooks in me, and on my 12th try I cleared the boss and rolled credits for my first completion. Granted to actually complete the game takes something like 6 complete runs on increasing difficulties. However, I can’t see me managing that, so counting this initial completion to give myself permission to quit when I’m bored. I did manage to get to the ‘last’ boss again on the next difficulty though so I’m not quite done yet. I will still be all over that Castlevania DLC as soon as it’s out.
I’m playing on Xbox because it’s on GamePass, although if it hadn’t been I probably would have gone for the Switch edition* as it’s the perfect type of game to take when you’re travelling.
Games played during January
Harvestella – Nintendo Switch
I did buy this in January so could have put this in the pick ups instead, but I have already made a decent amount of progress in the story so it makes more sense here. Unlike the story, which does not make any sense at all, like a proper JRPG. This is the new game for my RPG group though following on from Tales of Vesperia. Hopefully we’ll all finish this one, not just me.
I think it’s also availble on PC, but I’m playing the Switch version. It is still pretty new, so I bought it physical, so I can sell it on when I’m done. I picked it up reduced in GAME, but is also available on Amazon*.
Gears 5 – Xbox Series X
Following our successful completion of Halo 5, my friend and I have returned to the Gears of War franchise. We’ve played a couple of sessions so far. Mostly it feels good, like the game we’re used to. I’m a bit concerned about an open world style section in Act 2, hopefully there isn’t too much more of that to come.
What’s been on the arcade?
Ten pence arcade picked another ropey looking game for January, so I ignored that and am hoping they go for another shmup for February. In the meantime I’ve been playing a mix of X-Men: Children of the Atom and Super Street Fighter 2 on the cab. Both games have silent attract modes so I can leave it running while I’m working to jump on for a credit during breaks.
Pick ups during January
The A500 Mini
Convinced myself I needed one of these. Only my second ‘mini’ system, joining my Core Grafx Mini that I also heartily recommend. I don’t have a great affinity for the Amiga, never owned one of the main machines but do have fond memories of some of the library from playing at friends’ houses. I did own a CD32 however, so it’s nice to be able to play some of those games on here too. Why they chose to replicate the CD32 controller for it though is beyond me. That’s one of the worst pads I’ve ever used.
The mini itself is a delight to use though, and it was straightforward to add a collection of additional games to it via USB stick. Now I just have to play them.
I got mine from Argos, but it is a bit cheaper on Amazon* currently. It has dropped below £90 on there recently too.
The Darkness II – Xbox 360
Another game I’ve bought several times for different systems and not got round to playing. It dropped to a couple of quid in the Xbox sale, so I grabbed it hoping I’ll get round to trying it on the Series X. I loved the first game so we’ll see.
A friend has been going on about this for a while, I do love a metroidvania and my recent joy playing Dead Cells weakened me to the idea of this one. I’m still wary of the “soulslike” combat though. At least it was cheap.
Task Force Kampas
Another recommendation, this was silly cheap and although it looks ridiculous in the trailer, I am assured that it is good fun.
Dead Cells DLC Bundle
Although the main game is on GamePass, I did also buy this bundle of DLC content. It’s all the expansions so far, and for a tenner is a great purchase. The content is accessible straight away, and adds extra routes through the game. I think once you’ve decided you like the game enough to keep playing, it’s worth grabbing this bundle before you play more.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
Rounding the year out with 3 completions. Well, 2 and a bit really. Also don’t seem to have bought anything, unless I just forgot.
Games completed this month
Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell – Xbox Series X
I spoke too soon last month when I thought I was done with this taking all my playtime. The released a DLC pack which added more characters and challenges so naturally I was straight onto that. It was also less than £2 so didn’t even need to think about it.
Soccer Story – Xbox Series X
Similar in principle to the excellent Golf Story on the Nintendo Switch, Soccer Story is an RPG with football instead of combat. It’s pretty straightforward and has some fun puzzling. Enjoyed it but probably wouldn’t have played it if it hadn’t been on GamePass.
Dark Pictures: Little Hope – PS5
My girlfriend and I finally finished this on New Years Eve. We tried to play in November, but a patch for the game in October had introduced some major bugs. Fortunately they fixed that, and also added free visual upgrades to the games for the PS5. Enjoyed the story of this one more than Man of Medan, though if they want me to worry about keeping the cast alive, then need to make more likeable characters.
Physical PS5 version available here from Amazon* though they do get good digital discounts in the sales.
Games played during December
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Nintendo Switch
Plodding away, as suspected I didn’t finish before Christmas. My friends have given up on it but I’m determined to get to the end, as I am still enjoying it. I might try to let go of the side questing though.
I’m playing the Switch version, but you can get that, or Xbox and PlayStation versions here from Amazon*. It seems much cheaper on the other consoles, but it is much less digitally too.
Elder Scrolls Online – Xbox Series X
Played this a bit again on the request of a friend. Didn’t get far with it but did quite enjoy it on the Xbox rather than PC. Can see me spending more time with it if I don’t have any other big games on the go.
Christmas Nights – Xbox Series X
Obviously. Though I think for next years playthrough I might go back to playing on the Saturn for the extra nostalgia.
Mario Kart 8 – Nintendo Switch
Played a bit more with the new tracks on my own, but then somehow didn’t get to play any with the family over Christmas this year. Mostly because we played boardgames instead, but still.
If you’re one of the handful of people with a Switch who doesn’t already own Mario Kart, there is a decent discount on Amazon* at time of writing.
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand – Xbox Series X
Finally got round to playing this in online co-op with my mate, and it was just as much fun as we’d hoped. It’s utterly ridiculous, but also great fun. I’ll have a sequel please 50.
Dead Cells – Xbox Series X
I bounced off this a while back when I tried to play it before, and I still struggle with the roguelike elements. However, some Castlevania DLC has been announced and I want to be able to enjoy that so here we are. It does seem to be clicking a bit better this time round so hopefully I’ll stick with it.
Marvel Snap – Mobile & PC
Barely touched this during December, but did load it up a couple of times. The microtransactions are starting to show their teeth and the real money costs of anything are very cynical. I’ve seen “special promo deals” for a card or two and some currency for £45, or £90 worth of the in game currency you can buy with real money. Of course you don’t have to buy those, but it does show signs of the game leaning into “pay-to-win” that destroys multiplayer games for me.
What’s been on the arcade?
Didn’t really play any arcade games during December as the Christmas tree was next to the machine. I had a couple of goes on Thunder Force 3 though. It’ll be back on everyday now the decorations are down though.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.
Played a lot this month, although the majority of my time was on two games, at least I finished one of them though so they shouldn’t be reappearing in the list next month.
Games completed this month
Vampire Survivors – Xbox Series X
I did originally play Vampire Survivors when it was in early access on Steam. However, as is usual with early access stuff I didn’t stick with it, preferring to play when it is considered ‘finished’. It came to Xbox GamePass during November though, and I decided it was much better to play on my sofa in the lounge than on the PC. It took over my free time for most of the month, but I did manage to 100% all the achievements. Great game, led me to picking up a couple of similar (read shameless ripoff) games.
Games played during November
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Nintendo Switch
Going to be a challenge to finish before Christmas, as I didn’t play much in November either. We can all thank Vampire Survivors for that.
I’m playing the Switch version, but you can get that, or Xbox and PlayStation versions here from Amazon*. It seems much cheaper on the other consoles, but it is much less digitally too.
Marvel Snap – Mobile & PC
Have still been going pretty strong with this into it’s second season. However, I’ve now used up all the free Google credit I had, so we’ll see if I’m still going to play once I need to pay my own money if I want the next season pass. The seasons are definitely too short to be charging £8.99 for the pass.
Hearthstone – Mobile & PC
I still haven’t spent as much time with this as I thought I would, but I may drift back if Marvel Snap loses momentum. I did buy myself a new Fire HD 10 Plus* tablet during Black Friday, which does lend itself well to card games so we may yet see a resurgence.
Nobody Saves the World – Xbox Series X
I think Vampire Survivors did this game dirty. I started playing it on GamePass and was having a good time. Until Vampire Survivors came out and I forgot all about it until I was writing this list. Oh well, maybe I’ll go back to it…
What’s been on the arcade?
The Ten Pence Arcade game in November was Spin Master. I liked it but time got away from me and I think I only played 3 credits. Oops. Did play some asteroids though and a bit of X-Men: Children of the Atom (largely inspired by my time with Marvel Snap).
November Pick-ups
Atari 50: The Anniversary Collection – Xbox Series X
These ‘retro’ collections can be a bit hit and miss, however Atari 50 is something of a masterclass of how to do it. There is so much history and well presented content, that this may be my preferred way to do a videogame documentary. The only downside is the games library is fairly weak in terms of quality, but it does have some gems in there. The Atari Jaguar games are worth the entry price alone, since they have been impossible to play legally for ages without the original hardware, and the costs of that these days is prohibitive. It also includes Tempest 2000, one of the greatest games of all time, so there’s that.
I picked it up digitally on the Xbox, as I had a bunch of store credit from the Microsoft Rewards. It is available physically on all console formats here* though too.
20 Minutes till Dawn – PC Steam
The first of two Vampire Survivors clones I picked up. They were in this bundle on Steam for around £5 at time of writing. Easily worth that, but neither is really as fun as the game that inspired them. I think I prefer the aesthetic of 20 Minutes till Dawn, and will probably spend more time with this one.
Spellbook Demonslayers – PC Steam
As above, this is a fun diversion if you’re looking for more Vampire Survivors, I also found it a bit easier than 20 Minutes till Dawn, but I’m less convinced by the art.
*As usual, these links are affiliate ones, which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.