November Games 2024

November Games

I didn’t finish any games in November, I thought we were doing surprisingly well this year. Depending how December goes though, we might get a couple more in before the end of the year.

Games played during November

Axiom Verge 2 - November 2024

Axiom Verge 2 – PS5

I did get back to this for a bit, but then got distracted by something else. Hopefully not the end for Axiom Verge 2 because it’s definitely good. Just might be a bit before I get to it again.

Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania - October Games

Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania DLC – Xbox Series X

I have played a lot of this, but still around 30 unlocks to go. Having a great time and will definitely stick with it.

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered - October Games

Day of the Tentacle Remastered – Xbox Series X

My current GamePass daily rewards game. Still going.

Gears 5 - November Games

Gears 5 – Xbox Series X

Went back to this in co-op, but mixed up which Gears game I was playing with which friend. Had an entertaining moment of resuming in the middle of Act 3 with someone who had clearly never played the Gears 5 campaign at all before.

Colin McRae 2.0 - PlayStation

Colin McRae 2.0 – SteamDeck (PS1)

Following my move to BlueSky and discovering a lot of friends I used to talk to on the platform previously known as Twitter, I got into a bit of chat with a mate about how we’d never really played this game properly. So now we are. It’s very nice to play on the SteamDeck, and I’ve been really enjoying it. Not sure if I’ll manage to finish the world rally though, I’m struggling in Australia.

What’s been on the arcade?

Arcade Cabinet

Just Ten Pence Arcade to thank for the games I’ve been on again, more Demon Front and the new choice, Spelunker. Not sure this ones for me to be honest.

Games purchased this month

Spider-Man 2 - PS5

Spider-Man 2 – PS5

Finally got round to grabbing this, picked up a physical copy from CeX with a bunch of store credit I’ve had for a while. Only played the first hour but this is what’s derailed Axiom Verge 2 again.

UFO 50 - November Games

UFO 50 – PC

Had my eye on this when it came out, but missed the initial discount. It was in the Steam Sale though so I’ve got it now. Yet to load it up, but I’ve installed it on the deck where it seems like a perfect fit.

Games retired during November

Alan Wake 2: The Lake House - October Games

Alan Wake 2: The Lake House – PS5

I played a bit more of this but still wasn’t really enjoying it. Then my friend whose game library I share bought herself a PS5 Pro and now owns two consoles, so we had to stop sharing, and it was her copy of Alan Wake 2 I played. Definitely don’t care enough about this DLC to buy the whole thing myself.

*As usual, these links are affiliate ones (if I’ve actually included any), which may earn me a small commission if you buy something.

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